André Landzaat -

Method Acting Workshop

  For Beginners:    
  22 + 23. July 2015 Cologne, Germany ...more info
  25.+26. July 2015 Cologne, Germany
...more info
  01.+02. August 2015 Hamburg, Germany ...more info
  08.+09. August 2015 Berlin, Germany ...more info
  15.+16. August 2015 Munich, Germany ...more info
  For Advanced:
  29.+30. July 2015 Hamburg, Germany ...more info
  05.+06. August 2015 Berlin, Germany ...more info
  11.+12. August 2015 Berlin, Germany ...more info
  18.+ 19. August 2015 Munich, Germany ...more info
  20.+ 21. August 2015 Munich, Germany ...more info
  24.+ 25. August 2015 Cologne, Germany ...more info
  27. + 28. August 2015
 Cologne, Germany
...more info
  Select your desired workshop by using  the drop down menu at the item below.  


Students and people who are unemployed or get social welfare just have to pay 260 Euros for the workshop.

If you belong the one of these people you have to bring an evidence.

Either before paying (then you just have to pay the 260 Euros) or you can pay the full price of 320 Euros in advance and get the price difference when you bring a proof to the workshop.

10. July 2015:

Andrè Landzaat is doing a little free pre-workshop before starting the tour.

It will be on Thursday 16th of July in Cologne.
Time roughly 2-5 p.m.


Anybody can attend for free.


The workshop will be filmed to create a trailer for the workshop-tour. The participants are also asked to give a little statement about the workshop. So when you like to participate in this workshop you have to agree to that. You won't get any money or rights out of it but you will get an idea of Andres work and probably some good advises for free.

If you are interested just send me a pm.